
It comes into competition with both Kvapil and Moravec, but Ko holds her own – International Piano Magazine I

photo credit: Shin-joong Kim

short bio

Hailed as “exceedingly interesting” (New York Concert Review) and “kaleidoscopic”(San Francisco Classical Voice), pianist Eunmi Ko concertizes as a recitalist and chamber musician throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. 
As a sought-after collaborator and champion of new music, she works with contemporary composers, ensembles, and performers from around the world.  

Ko is the Founder and President of the Contemporary Art Music Project (CAMP). She teaches at the University of South Florida as Associate Professor of Piano. Her past positions include co-advisor of USF New Music Consortium (2016-2021), artist faculty on the Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival (2013-2018), and the assistant director of the Women in Music Festival at Eastman (2011).

Ko holds graduate degrees (MM and DMA) from the Eastman School of Music. She may also be heard on the recently published CD release of solo and chamber music. Follow her on YouTube and iTunes

long bio

Hailed as “exceedingly interesting” (New York Concert Review) and “kaleidoscopic” (San Francisco Classical Voice), pianist Eunmi Ko concertizes as a recitalist and chamber musician throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. She appeared in concert halls and festivals, including Carnegie Hall, Herbst Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Festival de Musica Contemporanea (Madrid), CLUSTER (Italy), San Francisco International Piano Festival, Seoul Arts Center, among others. Praised for original interpretations, abundance of piano technique, and interesting programming, she performs a wide range of piano repertoire, from premieres of new works by living composers to the traditional and rarely played piano works.

Ko frequently communicates with young pianists through recitals and masterclasses at conservatories and universities. She was the guest artist at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Madrid, Universidad X el Sabio, EAFIT University (Colombia), Thessaloniki State Conservatory (Greece), Hong Kong Baptist University, The Education University of Hong Kong, Soochow University (Taiwan), Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan), University of Maryland, University of Georgia, among others.

As a sought-after collaborator and champion of new music, she works with contemporary composers, ensembles, and performers. Ko is co-founder and co-director of the new music ensemble Strings & Hammers, which has the unusual instrumentation of violin, piano, and double bass. Each year, Strings & Hammers collaborates with different composers for their project and gives several premieres nationally and internationally. The ensemble’s residency includes COMA’16 in Madrid, Eastman School of Music, USF New Music Consortium, McCormick Percussion Group, among others. For more information, please visit the ensemble’s Facebook page

Since 2015 she has been the resident artist for award-winning percussion ensemble McCormick Percussion Group (MPG) and collaborated with Director Robert McCormick for the Concerti for Piano and Percussion Project. Their collaborative partners include composers Alessandro Annunziata, Anthony R. Green, Emily Koh, David Liptak, Hilary Tann, among others. The recent recording releases include STRINGS & HAMMERS (Ravello Records), CONSTELLATIONS (Innova Recordings), KID STUFF(Ravello Records), and PLACES & TIMES (Innova Recordings).

Ko holds graduate degrees (MM and DMA) from the Eastman School of Music, where she studied with Rebecca Penneys. From 2013 to 2018, she was on the artist faculty of Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival. In 2011, she was the Assistant Director of Women in Music Festival (Rochester, NY), which hosted 35 composers and involved over 150 performers annually.

Ko teaches at the University of South Florida as Associate Professor of Piano. From 2015 to 2021, she served as co-advisor of the USF New Music Consortium. She is the co-founder and President of the Contemporary Art Music Project (CAMP) and was the artistic director of the international new music festival Dot The Line(Korea)

Ko may also be heard on the recently published CD release of ORCHARD(Neuma Records), UNUS MUNDUS(Innova Recordings), MUSICAL LANDSCAPES OF HILARY TANN(Centaur Records, “I am captivated by the program and recommended it to you who seek new avenues in tonality today. It charms consistently without pandering in the slightest.”– Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review), SHE ROSE AND LET ME IN (Centaur Records, “This is an unusual but beautifully assembled program…The performance is superb.”- American Record Guide), and PLOT: MUSIC FOR UNSPECIFIED INSTRUMENTATION (Ravello Records).