Directed by the renowned percussionist/educator Robert McCormick, the award winning McCormick Percussion Group is recognized by composers and aficionados throughout the world for their creative interpretations and recordings of unique and often out of the mainstream of percussion literature.
I was extremely fortunate to have met director Bob McCormick and collaborated with him and MPG from 2015 to 2019. Bob and I commissioned concerti for piano/violin/violin and double bass/piano, violin, and double bass with percussion ensemble from Alessandro Annunziata, Anthony R. Green, Baljinder Sekhon, Ciro Scotto, David Liptak, Emily Koh, Eduardo Costa Roldan, Hilary Tann, Jakko Hartikainen, John Liberatore, Matt Barber, Seunghee Lee. We produced four albums (Kid Stuff, Constellations, Places & Times, Strings & Hammers) consisting of a wide range of musical languages and styles.